
Friday, November 18, 2011

Eliminating the Final Comma

My friend Sue posted this from the Grammar Police website.
And it reminded me of my own struggle for eliminating that final comma in a series.

Of final pauses, & final endings.

I realized for the first time:  the final comma is only a good thing if you are ready to read it.

That final comma, that final pause, is a threshold.

A threshold for transgression or for transformation. 

We all stand on that threshold, waiting for the final comma.

A comma which demands a choice from each of us.  To transform or transgress.

For years I have accepted that final comma.  In a series.  In my life.

Now, I want no final pause, no ending.  Unless it offers a threshold.

I still want final commas to indicate closure.  

But I want the possibility of walking across the threshold.