
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Needles – One full – One Empty

So, I am looking at two needles, one with yarn cast on, & one dormant, & a beautiful skein of yarn, a bit of green, a bit of purple, a bit of each.

It is beginning to obsess me, this inability to move past casting on & knitting, weaving a text.
How hard can this be?

If I can cast on, surely I can move forward, knit a scarf, weave a text.

Writing is easy – knitting & weaving a scarf or a text is a challenge.

At least a scarf someone wants to wear & a text someone wants to read.


  1. I would wear your scarf and I read what you write!

  2. Thank you, sweetheart. When I finally learn to move beyond casting on, I will back you a scarf - in the Saints' colors, of course !
